I hate the term opsec so much. you are performing zero operations. you have never performed an operation in your life.
is this you?
is this you?
is this you?
is any of this like you?
if so, continue. but this isn’t you.
you don’t have ‘opsec’. there is no 'operation' to 'secure’. you, the randomly sampled reader this applies to, are an internet nerd using this term to mean “how much you let people know about you”, which is covered by the everyday words “transparency” and “opacity”.
I had the jarring opportunity to exist on the periphery of an entire convention of ‘post-rationalist’ dorks who used the term ‘opsec’ to refer to obscuring their real name or what they said from being public, while simultaneously talking to internet people (sorry, “mutuals”) about their social anxiety. in actual opsec, you’re thinking about high stakes threats like whether someone will later be an informant to whatever entity fucks you over; your headspace is nowhere near the zone of “will soandso doxx me on twitter?!”. if a person doing serious opsec is pseudonymously chatting with strangers about politics and hoping their real name or “based” conversations don’t get leaked, they’re long past fucked.
the term "opsec" as used in online discourse and not by military or experienced criminals is the intellectual equivalent of navy seal LARPing. an operation is the coordination of actions by an organizational body, usually a military group but at minimum a group, even if just a criminal group. otherwise, it’s procedural security. there is no such thing as a single-person operation; even if an operation were performed by a single person it would still be delegated by another person. you, as Just A Person, do not have "operations", you have tasks and procedures. (this is neglecting the fact that people use the term "operational security" interchangeably with "informational security", and the latter of which is usually what they’re talking about, because operational security requires there to be... operations... that are performed... and you aren’t doing that.)